The last year has completely shifted the way companies are doing business. One main change? The rise in “WFH” (Work From Home) employees. Our friends at Deloitte estimate that more than one third of employees will work from home a year from now. In fact, “76% of CEOs indicated that their organizations would need less space moving forward.” That’s a big change. Luckily, Hyperion is here to outfit each of your employees' changing workspace with home office essentials.
Enterprise, WFH Corporations, Remote workers
Create a streamlined solution for enterprises to choose, afford and deliver home office essentials directly to their work from home employees, without hassle.
Hyperion’s proven home office essentials set remote workers up for success.
How do we know? Our own Hyperion family uses the exact same solution! We’ve
been working remotely for years, and we know we can help your business
decrease costs by doing the same.
Are you in need of home office essentials? Contact us today to learn more.
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