What is a primary agent?

Join Hyperion CEO, Kerry McGonigal, in unpacking what it means to be a true primary agent.  

As the CEO of industry-leading mobility primary agent, Hyperion Partners, I’ve made it the company’s personal mission to demystify mobility. The world of telecommunications can seem daunting, but with our industry expertise and problem-solving skills, our audience accomplishes goals previously thought unattainable. In this insight, I unpack what it means to be a primary agent to help readers find success. 

Primary Agent Definition: 

Simply put, a primary agent can be defined as the holder of a contract with a carrier (T-Mobile, AT&T, Verizon and UScellular) or a solution provider (Samsung, Apple) with the goal of extending said contract to a robust network of numerous subagents or partners. 

Primary agent synonyms may include: master agent, distributor, master dealer, master partner, solution provider, mobility solution provider (MSP), telecom agent. 

The History of Primary Agents

The digital age was marked by rapid changes and advances in the world of technology. Primary agents (previously known as master agents) became extremely important when telecommunication equipment transformed industry standards. As carriers and solution providers accumulated more and more direct partners, it became overwhelming for them to maintain partners, while prioritizing their original business goals. Primary agents came into play to remove this burden, making managing thousands of subagents their main purpose.  

Traditionally, primary agents view themselves as pathways for smaller partners to monetize solutions. However, this narrow view often leads subagents to fail due to misconceptions about what services most primary agents really offer. 

Common Misconceptions: 

  1. “Every primary agent is the same.” 

Many subagents think all primary agents are the same, so they should chase the primary agent with the highest compensation. Even if a primary agent grants more compensation up front, if they aren’t willing to give the subagent big-picture support, that primary agent might not be worth the investment. If I haven’t made it clear up until this point: Not all primary agents are the same. 

  1. “Every primary agent is full-service.” 

Most primary agents are in the business of offering a larger percentage of compensation to avoid putting forth maximum effort. While this is ideal for some experienced companies, companies who are looking to break into new disciplines of technology need someone to do the heavy lifting. Deciphering which primary agents are truly full-service will help subagents decide on the right fit for them. If you’re looking for a primary agent that is truly full-service... that's where we step in. 

How Hyperion Does it Better: 

Primary agents can and should be far more than what they are known for today. A true primary agent walks subagents through the entire process of monetizing solutions and teaches them along the way. 

At Hyperion, we don’t view ourselves as a traditional “contract holder” primary agent. We know we are a true partner. We cater our primary agent services to our subagents’ exact needs, so they are prepared to succeed. If that means a little handholding is necessary, we are more than prepared to do so. If the subagent is ready-to-run without help? We can do that too. Ultimately, we want to serve our partners however they need to extend their sales past what they are today.  

Want to learn more about Hyperion?  

Take a peek around our website, or contact us today. Click here if you're interested in partnering with a true mobility primary agent.

This article was previously entitled, "What is a master agent?"